Monday, November 30, 2009

Living in random

Too many people live life "in random".  I know that's not a phrase...but it's the best way I can describe what I see!  It reminds of "in tandom" - which is a phrase.  :o)  I guess I expect those who do not know the Heavenly Father (and subsequently do not know their purpose) to live in random.  But I see far too many seasoned Christians doing the same thing.  It really puzzles me!  They wake up each day and go through their regular routine, and don't even consider that God has something specific for that day. 

Each person has been given a specific gift or ability in this life - some haven't yet discovered it.  But for those who have, I'm surprised at how often they just use it to make a living, or amuse themselves, or even just as a hobby.  They forget that it was a supernatural implant, and that God gave it to them FOR A REASON! 

God does nothing in random.  I don't believe in luck or coincidence.  The Word says that "the steps of a righteous man are ordered by God".  Things don't just happen to a believer.  God takes each day's activities very seriously.  I'm ashamed to think of how many opportunities I've missed.  I don't want to live in random.  I read this amazing excerpt from Max Lucado that goes right along with this...

"Set apart for a special work.

God shaped you according to yours. How else can you explain yourself? Your ability to diagnose an engine problem by the noise it makes, to bake a cake without a recipe. You knew the Civil War better than your American history teacher. You know the name of every child in the orphanage. How do you explain such quirks of skill?

God. He knew young Israel would need a code, so he gave Moses a love for the law. He knew the doctrine of grace would need a fiery advocate, so he set Paul ablaze. And in your case, he knew what your generation would need and gave it. He designed you. And his design defines your destiny. Remember Peter's admonition? "If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies" (1 Pet. 4:11)." 
From Cure for the Common Life, Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 2006) Max Lucado

If we can avoid the random way of thinking, we can discover our real purpose for being here!  We only have this one life! 

Father, I want to live ON PURPOSE.  I want to wake up asking "What if...?"  And on the days that I am weary, and not necessarily feeling ablaze, like Paul was, I want to simply be available and aware of where Your hand is moving.  I know that you placed these gifts within me for a reason - for this generation.  I want to be obedient to Your Master Plan!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Robust Reading

This last year, I have read at least one book a month.  I think I've read a total of 14 (working on 15 and 16 right now).  I know - that's a lot!!  That's going from my regular reading of Dr. Seuss, Sammy and the Robots, and The Rooster Who Can't Cockle-doodle-doo.  It's quite a change!

It's funny, because I'm noticing that I'll look at people a little differently, based on what I'm reading.  It's like each book tweaks my "filter" a little.  I think that's a good thing to some degree...because I'm a big believer in continuing education.  That doesn't necessarily just refer to attending a college or some other formal education.  To me, that can simply mean being intentional about growing in some area of your life by going to a seminar, reading books, or even just talking with others who have experience. 

Don't misunderstand the's not like I'm analyzing everyone I know.  (My friends are relieved.)  :o)  It's just something that kind of naturally happens - and we all do it!  Sometimes when you're spending time with someone, you observe quirky things about them.  It's kind of fun actually - people watching.  So now that I'm reading all these books - primarily related to leadership - I've learned several interesting relational tools, taken many different tests about personality/weaknesses, and I've identified about 9 new traits in every leader I know personally. 

I have definitely decided that 14 is way too many least all of the same intense nature.  I need to mix it up a little with some fiction.  I am still getting a steady diet of Dr. Seuss and other great philosophy books like it, but I just can't process all that information!  There are some really key concepts that have stuck and that I've found myself using in "everyday" life. 

I'll have to go back and review some of those other great books at another time.  I can only digest so much.  So if I bring up some annoying tendency or random personality test, you'll know why.  If you're game, tolerate me for a few minutes and you'll probably hear some of the amazing things I've been learning.  If you'd rather not undergo the amateur analysis, just let me know you've read my blog and aren't in the mood.  I'll know exactly what you mean!  :o)