The author gave different stories of relational intelligence, from how he chased off his wife because of sharing feeling to soon, to having a boss he couldn't relate with, to a friend who received and grew in Christ through relationship. Honestly the stories were entertaining and interesting but seemingly pretty basic relationship mishaps and victories, he did catch my attention when he started talking about expanding influence through smarter more purposeful relationships. To be able to effect the right people to be motivated to get involved and contribute.
He stated that Jesus boils life down to just one thing: "A new command I give you: Love one another." We are to demonstrate love through serving, sacrificing when necessary, all for the sake of others. I like how he compares love to a rushing waterfall that pours down with such force that it has the power to generate enormous amounts of electricity. Basically he says that godly love is the guidelines for Relational Intelligence. The first chapter sets the stage for the rest of the book to unfold how to take the power of love and effectively grow relationships to become the most they can for kingdom work.
It's gonna be a great ride! You should go take the RI assessment!