I've heard there was a little contraversy about this chapter - so I was super excited to read it!! :-D He defines likeability as "a person's ability to evoke favorable feelings in their 'audience' (that is, the person they're in a relationship with), in order to produce a positive outcome that serves others well". Simply put, people who are likeable are easy to be around. My definition is someone who has a magnetic personality (draws people to them) and people become better by being around them.
He clearly says that likeability does NOT trump the mission. BUT if it is in proper priority, you highly strengthen the likelihood of reaching your mission. I do not entirely agree, however, that the mission can always be warm and appealing. If your mission is, for example, to reach out to the basest of humanity who are unloveable and not always nice...your mission is not necessarily "attractive". It is challenging!! But a likeable leader is more likely to keep his/her team motivated and passionate about the mission - no matter how ugly the work may be.
I thought the five signs of likeability were very interesting, and right on - and I can definitely think of people in my life who are like that. I also appreciated when he talked about being in the "middle of the office" to carry out tasks. A godly leader is not someone who calls out orders from a posh office. He/she is right there with the team working toward the mission God has called them to. I remind myself of that occasionally by grabbing a plunger when a toilet is plugged instead of finding someone else to do it. :o)
I'm not exactly sure what was contraversial in this chapter (although I feel certain that I will find out (-;), but I do feel that he was a lot more business-like in his approach for this one. The concepts are common to other books I've read that are business focused. I still think there is some very valuable information in it - but we always need to balance who we are in Christ with everything we read here. If you are not likeable to other believers and claim to be a Christian, I think you would need to take some time to do some self examination. We all have rough edges that God helps to rub off during the course of our walk with Him, but we can't make excuses for ourselves not being approachable or trustworthy. Those things should be fruits of the Spirit that are evident in our lives as we're leading others. Our natural personality quirks need to be overwritten by the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in our lives!!
Being honest about where we are in these characteristics will free us up to pursue being the best in what Christ has called us to. I instantly recognized the areas that I want to grow in. I really enjoyed this chapter even though it serves as a pretty clear mirror of what I lack. But if you want to grow, you look in the mirror of God's Word and His wisdom OFTEN.
Father, help us to take an honest look in the reflection of your Word to see ourselves as we truly are. And then give us the courage, strength, and endurance to pursue who you've called us to become!
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