Thursday, December 1, 2011

Annette's CL Chapter 4-6 Review

Wow I can't believe I forgot to do this! My apologies... November was kind of a blur for me.  But no excuse - I simply overlooked it. So here's my review.  I love this book but it's also challenging me.

Chapter 4: Building a Kingdom Dream Team
The stories he tells at the beginning of the chapter are a bit intimidating because they sound so awesome! But I get what's he's talking about.  I praise God for the teams I work with in youth and worship.  I am SO blessed by their faithfulness to God and to the church.  We've worked through disagreements, lack of resources, being worn out...  There is truly nothing like a team of godly people to work with doing what God has given you passion to do.  It's so cool!  But it is definitely not easy to develop.  Like I said, you have to work through some hard things too.  You don't always agree and you have to find a solution anyway.  I wholeheartedly agree with the 3 Cs as well.  I know I've definitely always been concerned about Character first.  That can cause major problems - as our church has experienced in the past.  Competence can be subjective because sometimes you have to train someone to do the job.  And at times, they pick it up and go!  Other times, it becomes apparent that they're either not cut out for the job or they realize they don't want the commitment.  So competence isn't always clear at the beginning.  Chemistry is definitely important.  And the important thing to know is that you can work on that!  If it's not there naturally, you just have to make the effort to see if you can build that kind of relationship.

Chapter 5: The Resource Challenge
Ugh I don't like this topic - probably because I struggle with financial stuff in general.  It's the battle of the flesh versus the spirit I'm sure.  But in ministry, I definitely struggle to have faith in this area.  The body of Christ is NOT poor!  Our God is limitless - I know that.  But for some reason I still have a hard time believing for provision when it comes to money.  I know I have to get over it and just be obedient.  In effect, I limit God in my mind by lack of faith.  I hoped the chapter would resolve this for me.  Honestly, it didn't.  BUT there were some very practical and Biblical principles that I will refer back to.  People give to vision and vision is given by God.  I should not feel guilty about that.  God help me!!!

Chapter 6: Developing Emerging Leaders
Now we're talking!  I got excited to read this.  :)  "When are leaders at their best?"  What a great question!  I think we should discuss this together.  He's convinced that leaders should make this one of their highest priorities.  Is your radar up right now - watching for someone to mentor??  We've talked about Jesus' leadership development plan before too, which he addresses too.  The five necessary qualities he says to look for are 1) influence, 2) character, 3) people skills, 4) drive and 5) intelligence.  I have to admit that I haven't always looked for those things.  But I see the wisdom in it, and I'm definitely going to rethink that.  I've definitely considered 2 and 4 in the people I seek - and sometimes 3, but not always.  These really make sense, but I don't think it's an exact formula.  And he does suggest making up your own list.  Sometimes those qualities can be developed in a person.  I think it depends on the position you need to find a leader for.  I think an  important point to note is that we as leaders should have some kind of process in place to develop emerging leaders!  How you do it is variable...but let's do it!  :)

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