60 Day Goal: Prepare for Kid’s Krusade
Action Steps
Contact speaker for Kid’s Krusade and get his list of requirements - Done
Obtain the speakers list of requirements - Done
Put announcement in Bulletin - Done
Put announcement on weekly emails - Done
Make announcements to the kids about the Krusade - Done
Action Steps
Contact speaker for Kid’s Krusade and get his list of requirements - Done
Obtain the speakers list of requirements - Done
Put announcement in Bulletin - Done
Put announcement on weekly emails - Done
Make announcements to the kids about the Krusade - Done
Prepare and send out a mailing for the Kid’s Krusade - Done
Find and assign two captains - Done
Identify positions needed for the Krusade - Done
Find and assign two captains - Done
Identify positions needed for the Krusade - Done
Recruit helpers for the Krusade - Done
Conduct Krusade - Done
Conduct Krusade - Done
Do you set mini-deadlines for big projects like that? Just an idea...since some things have to be done before others can. I'm excited to see that crusade pan out!