GOAL: For the month of February, we will be working on the next event that comes up the first weekend in March - the annual South Dakota Honor Bound Men's Advance. The east river event will be March 4-6 in Sioux Falls. This year is different from past years in that they are extending it an extra day, we are on our own for meals, and there are three different afternoon activities to choose from. Registration for this event has been like selecting from a smorgasboard for each participant.
Action steps needed:
- Calls to David Winter, State HB Men's Ministries coordinator, getting prices for all options, 1 night and 2 night lodging, both early and late registration. Done - calls were made to David about 3 different times.
Promotion for the event - church bulletin information, preservice church announcements, and word of mouth.
- Work with the church office staff and Pastor Kathy. Registration forms, payment tracking, etc., etc., (Thank you Karen, Jodie, and Pastor Kathy for your patience and understanding with this project - you have been great to work with. You are also honorary members of Honor Bound!) Done
- Car pooling to and from the event Done
- Shuttle service at the event Done
- Meal arrangements Done - called ahead to 3 different places to get meal options and prices.
We are praying that it will be a good time of fellowship and ministry for all men involved and that God would be glorified throughout the whole event. At the event we heard testimonies from a couple people that attended the conference. Also, one of the newer guys from our group was really blessed by the event - thank you Lord.
Thank you for following through and getting this done, even though it was late. Sometimes it's easier to "skip", but I appreciate you following through. I know it was a hectic month for you. :)