Currently we are going through a 6 month dvd / discussion series, The Quest for Authentic Manhood. During this time, my time will be able to be somewhat shifted to be able to take a look and review other areas and processes used in the group.
Goal: To clarify the vision for First Assembly of God Honor Bound and to examine ways I can lead more effectively.
July Action Steps:
1. Work with my team to host the Honor Bound Family Fun Time, July 22 and 23 at Cottonwood Camp Ground.
Worked with the team as mentioned - there were a few noon hours and evenings spent getting all the misc. items together. On Fri. night I was only able to make it the last hour due to work related issues. The feedback concerning the event is based on what I have heard from other people and not personal experience.
2. Meet with Pastor Jeff to talk about the overall vision of Honor Bound - specifically for our church - and seek his input about what strengths and weaknesses he sees in my leadership style.
Pastor Jeff didn't check with me before leaving on vacation - just kidding (I am glad he gets to go). We were busy working on the fun weekend and Pastor left that Sunday to go on vacation. Will have to meet up with him when he gets back.
3. Identify three regular Honor Bound participants that I can talk to (one each month) for input about how they feel the Quest for Authentic Manhood series and the meetings in general are going. Meet with one person when we're 3 weeks into the study.
I have picked out Jeff Bayless, Dennis James, and Fred Dehring as people I would like to meet / talk with. I did talk with Jeff.
4. Start to write down some ideas about a written vision statement for Honor Bound.
I have written down a few ideas but there is still a long ways to go for this item.
August Action Steps:
From July Point number 2. I did meet with Pastor Jeff and we had a good discussion. The vision for Honor Bound is something that does need to be worked on, but we felt we should hold off a little bit until the overall church vision / process is completed.
1. Meet with Taylor O'Bryan (fellow HB leader) to talk about vision statement draft and seek input on how I could better support him as a leader. Scheduling did not work out. Will be an item picked up in September.
2. Visit with a couple of families who attended the family fun time to get some feedback about the event. File it so we can have some ideas to help improve it if we decide to do it again. Did visit with some folks that attended the event and received good feedback.
3. Visit with another Honor Bound participant to get feedback. Ask about the meeting time change. Got to have ice cream with Dennis James. He is one of our newer members in HB and started shortly before the DVD series so he has seen some of the "regular" meetings. The feedback was very positive and he is really enjoying the DVD series. Due to his work schedule, the meeting time for him works out good.
September Action Steps:
From Aug point number 1 - meeting with Taylor. We did meet in September and had a really good discusion. Ideas were brought forth that will definitely be a part of the vision statement for the HB group.
1. Have a completed, updated vision statement for Honor Bound. Due to the overall church vision team meetings, we are holding off on the vision statement for HB until the overall church vision statement is completed, as per Pastor Jeff.
2. Start planning and promoting the fall car care clinic. Visit with John Kidney about the car care clinic processes, document it, and have it on file at the church. Saturday October 22 is the date for the fall 2011 car care clinic. John Kidney is the tech coordinator, Pastor Randy is scheduling appointments, and announcements have been placed in the bulletin. Promotion will continue up until the event. Our refreshment committee will need to be worked out, but things as a whole seem to be coming together.
3. Visit with another Honor Bound participant to get feedback. I have talked to Fred concerning my request and allowing him some time to think about it. Our meeting will be taking place within the next couple of days.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Mike's June Reading - Chapter 7 - The Likeable Hero
I do agree with the author that being likeable and approachable, especially in a leadership position is important. A loosely paraphrased saying - you can attract more things with honey or something sweet than you can with vinegar or something sour. Throughout the chapter another point was brought up - balance. Once people are on the team or join up with the group or cause, you still, as a leader, need to be able to make decisions by looking at the big picture for your group or cause. At times that may involve making a decision or choice that may not be popular with a person or the group. During those times you may be temporarily viewed as not being a likeable hero.
I thought one of the best analogies used in this chapter was the human body. The skeleton, which provides the main structure, represents the mission. The skin, covering the skeleton, is warm to the touch and appealing in appearance, represents being likeable. In order for things to work in they best possible manner, both the skeleton and skin need to work together.
I thought one of the best analogies used in this chapter was the human body. The skeleton, which provides the main structure, represents the mission. The skin, covering the skeleton, is warm to the touch and appealing in appearance, represents being likeable. In order for things to work in they best possible manner, both the skeleton and skin need to work together.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Jodie's 90 day Goals (July - Sept.)
Goal: To raise my standards for leading Wednesday Night Heir Force, and identify a specific vision for what God wants me to do with that group.
July Action Steps:
Keep my focus looking up and pray for the wisdom and guidance to build these students up to be disciples for Jesus. What a great task I will have ahead of me - but I need the momentum to continue and will need lots of prayers and support from my 'team' of Signent leaders. Thanks before hand.
July Action Steps:
- Improve my connection and communication with the students via Facebook, text or call. Contacted some. Need to do more
- Meet with Pastor Randy to seek his input and share what God has laid on my heart to make sure it coincides with his vision. Ask his permission to launch some fresh ideas.**Shared with Pastor Randy about Heir Force and ideas to impliment.
- Research possible new curriculum (scope and sequence) that could be used in the new school year. Pastor Jeff oked me to get information and ideas
- Recruit voluteers to support this specific group of kids (help with transportation, group and assist with teaching) I have been driving the van to pick up the kids. Considering doing a tag team teaching approach.
- Draft a plan for next school year. Meet with leadership to review (Pastor Randy, Pastor Jeff? and Pastor Annette?).** still need to do on paper
- Accumulate ideas from Pastor Annette on ice breakers, games and activities. Getting.
- Plan a kick off for beginning of new school year. Week of August 24th, share plan with the kids, make fliers.
- Connect with the new students that are moving up
- Stratagize how to create excitement and new students (ie food, games, goals to strive for with attendance)
- Present a flier to draw excitement
- Share new vision statement with the students.
- Create an atmosphere of trust and a love for God's Word.
- Ask the students for input about goals they want to achieve this year.
- Create a visual illustration of their goals and an attendance record chart.
- Work with Pastor Annette to train leaders and team up with AYM Leaders periodically throughout the year for an activity (exposure to youth ministry).**
Keep my focus looking up and pray for the wisdom and guidance to build these students up to be disciples for Jesus. What a great task I will have ahead of me - but I need the momentum to continue and will need lots of prayers and support from my 'team' of Signent leaders. Thanks before hand.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Annette's June Reading Post
I've heard there was a little contraversy about this chapter - so I was super excited to read it!! :-D He defines likeability as "a person's ability to evoke favorable feelings in their 'audience' (that is, the person they're in a relationship with), in order to produce a positive outcome that serves others well". Simply put, people who are likeable are easy to be around. My definition is someone who has a magnetic personality (draws people to them) and people become better by being around them.
He clearly says that likeability does NOT trump the mission. BUT if it is in proper priority, you highly strengthen the likelihood of reaching your mission. I do not entirely agree, however, that the mission can always be warm and appealing. If your mission is, for example, to reach out to the basest of humanity who are unloveable and not always nice...your mission is not necessarily "attractive". It is challenging!! But a likeable leader is more likely to keep his/her team motivated and passionate about the mission - no matter how ugly the work may be.
I thought the five signs of likeability were very interesting, and right on - and I can definitely think of people in my life who are like that. I also appreciated when he talked about being in the "middle of the office" to carry out tasks. A godly leader is not someone who calls out orders from a posh office. He/she is right there with the team working toward the mission God has called them to. I remind myself of that occasionally by grabbing a plunger when a toilet is plugged instead of finding someone else to do it. :o)
I'm not exactly sure what was contraversial in this chapter (although I feel certain that I will find out (-;), but I do feel that he was a lot more business-like in his approach for this one. The concepts are common to other books I've read that are business focused. I still think there is some very valuable information in it - but we always need to balance who we are in Christ with everything we read here. If you are not likeable to other believers and claim to be a Christian, I think you would need to take some time to do some self examination. We all have rough edges that God helps to rub off during the course of our walk with Him, but we can't make excuses for ourselves not being approachable or trustworthy. Those things should be fruits of the Spirit that are evident in our lives as we're leading others. Our natural personality quirks need to be overwritten by the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in our lives!!
Being honest about where we are in these characteristics will free us up to pursue being the best in what Christ has called us to. I instantly recognized the areas that I want to grow in. I really enjoyed this chapter even though it serves as a pretty clear mirror of what I lack. But if you want to grow, you look in the mirror of God's Word and His wisdom OFTEN.
Father, help us to take an honest look in the reflection of your Word to see ourselves as we truly are. And then give us the courage, strength, and endurance to pursue who you've called us to become!
He clearly says that likeability does NOT trump the mission. BUT if it is in proper priority, you highly strengthen the likelihood of reaching your mission. I do not entirely agree, however, that the mission can always be warm and appealing. If your mission is, for example, to reach out to the basest of humanity who are unloveable and not always nice...your mission is not necessarily "attractive". It is challenging!! But a likeable leader is more likely to keep his/her team motivated and passionate about the mission - no matter how ugly the work may be.
I thought the five signs of likeability were very interesting, and right on - and I can definitely think of people in my life who are like that. I also appreciated when he talked about being in the "middle of the office" to carry out tasks. A godly leader is not someone who calls out orders from a posh office. He/she is right there with the team working toward the mission God has called them to. I remind myself of that occasionally by grabbing a plunger when a toilet is plugged instead of finding someone else to do it. :o)
I'm not exactly sure what was contraversial in this chapter (although I feel certain that I will find out (-;), but I do feel that he was a lot more business-like in his approach for this one. The concepts are common to other books I've read that are business focused. I still think there is some very valuable information in it - but we always need to balance who we are in Christ with everything we read here. If you are not likeable to other believers and claim to be a Christian, I think you would need to take some time to do some self examination. We all have rough edges that God helps to rub off during the course of our walk with Him, but we can't make excuses for ourselves not being approachable or trustworthy. Those things should be fruits of the Spirit that are evident in our lives as we're leading others. Our natural personality quirks need to be overwritten by the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in our lives!!
Being honest about where we are in these characteristics will free us up to pursue being the best in what Christ has called us to. I instantly recognized the areas that I want to grow in. I really enjoyed this chapter even though it serves as a pretty clear mirror of what I lack. But if you want to grow, you look in the mirror of God's Word and His wisdom OFTEN.
Father, help us to take an honest look in the reflection of your Word to see ourselves as we truly are. And then give us the courage, strength, and endurance to pursue who you've called us to become!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Annette's 90 Day Goal (July-Sept)
I apologize for not posting this last week! The whole week was consumed with several families and individuals in crisis, and I was committed to walking through with them - everything else had to shift in priority. I SHOULD have texted all of you and asked you to wait on your 90 day goal until you saw the structure of mine. Forgive me - but you may need to revamp yours if you've already done it. This is different from the 30 day goals we've set, and I'd like everyone to follow a similar structure - just for learning purposes. So please adapt your 90 day goal to this format. (The colors are optional. LOL)
GOAL: To re-organize and re-structure my team building process so that it can be adapted to every team I lead.
July Action Steps:
GOAL: To re-organize and re-structure my team building process so that it can be adapted to every team I lead.
July Action Steps:
- Complete the student leadership section of the AYM manual (work with intern if available). Still in draft form - my intern isn't starting until fall so I'm on my own.
- Meet with Pastor Jeff to discuss ideas about ways to improve and reorganize the team building process I've been using.** Done
- Draft a letter to team members to inform them about upcoming changes. Done
- Ask Pastor Jeff to review the draft, and then send it. Have to wait until he returns from Boston.
- Create schedule for individual appointments with leaders and team members. In progress - there are a lot of them. :)
- Identify a curriculum for student leader Sunday class in the fall and set start date (6-8 sessions). Done.
- Identify a book to read with the worship team in 2012. I think I found one. This is tough.
- Identify a book/series to go through with the youth ministry team. I'm going to hold off on this. Too ambitious for one year since I'll be in school.
- Select 1 leader or team member to meet with and seek honest feedback about my leadership style, strengths, and weaknesses.** Done. Also took the 'Flag Page Assessment' - interesting!
- Brainstorm ways to recruit potential student leaders. In progress.
- Begin one-on-one meetings with team members. In progress.
- Begin student leadership class. Done (doing).
- Summarize the team building process in written form and submit to Pastor Jeff for review. I opted not to go down this road yet, due to the vision team process. As we are working through the material, I see there are things that will need to change, but I don't want to move prematurely. I am going to wait until we have completed the process as a church and then follow the same ideas with youth.
- Meet with Pastor Jeff to discuss progress, suggestions, etc.** Done.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Randy's 90 Day Goals
Evaluate whether a Saturday Children's Program will be effective. -Yes
I will do this by talking to the bus parents.
Recrute helpers for the Saturday Children's Program. A few helpers recruited
Promote Saturday Children's Program
I will do this through bulletins, emails and speaking about it.
Conduct Saturday Children's Program - Planned for August 20th
Divert children from Wednesday night towards Saturday to help with overcrowding.
I will do this by talking to the bus parents.
Recrute helpers for the Saturday Children's Program. A few helpers recruited
Promote Saturday Children's Program
I will do this through bulletins, emails and speaking about it.
Conduct Saturday Children's Program - Planned for August 20th
Divert children from Wednesday night towards Saturday to help with overcrowding.
Randy's Chapter 7 Review
I've entered this book like I would a grocery store. Some items I like and purchase, other items I leave on the shelf. I have to say I didn't take anything off the shelf in this chapter. It sounded like a popularity contest mentality. I want to be "Spirit Led" and become more like Jesus. I found the greatest "stickyness" that draws people to a supervisor is becoming a "servant leader". I practiced this while I supervised inmates and found it very effective. One of the things Servant Leaders do is meet the needs of those they supervise.
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