Thursday, July 28, 2011

Randy's Ch 8 & 9 Review

Consumers:  Look for what they can take from others.
Investors: Look for what they can give to others.
I've always looked at these two words and thought I was more of an investor than a consumer and I still believe that, but not as much as I thought.  I evaluated myself and found that there is more consumer in me than I would like to admit.  I am challenged to take a good look at investment.  If I pick the right people, I will multiply my influence.  I will have to discern who is a taker and who truly wants more of the Kingdom of God.  As the author said we should look to see who we invest our time in but the bottom line is that we follow God's direction in who we invest in. 
I will also seek to energize those I invest in.  I like the word energize.  It's an easy way to test oneself.  We are called to make disciples.  Jesus was very particular in who He made into his followers.  I know we must do the same. I imagine a church that the scale is tipped into the area of investment.   Multiplication instead of addition will happen. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Review of "Slave"

This doesn't relate to Signet - it's a book I've read on my own by John MacArthur.  The subtitle is "The hidden truth about your identity in Christ".  You can probably see why I was drawn to it.  Interesting title.

The ideas presented in this book are definitely different from what I've heard throughout my life.  Slavery has a very negative connotation in our nation - and it should.  Our past was shameful.  Praise God that people stood up for righteousness and abolished the human slave trade.  But what is interesting in what I learned through this book is that slavery in the Biblical culture was very different from that.  It was more along the lines of people having servants.  There were paid servants and there were slaves that were owned.  People were either born into slavery or they became a slave to repay debt.  Slaves had the opportunity to work their way out of that position!  Slave owners were supposed to be just and treat them well.  There were of course people who didn't. But that word meant something very different in that day.

The disciples referred to themselves regularly as "slaves of Christ", and that Jesus was their "master". But if you read the English versions of the Bible, you rarely see that reference in the New Testament.  The Greek word for slave has been covered up by being mistranslated in almost every English version.  It appears 124 times in the original text, but was only correctly translated once in the King James!  "Most of our modern translations do only slightly better." (pg. 16)  They usually use the word "servant" instead.  But think about the differences between slave and servant.  They are very different positions.

The facts were intriguing, but what it means for us as followers of Christ now is far more powerful to me.  The disciples understood the magnitude of grace they received as a result of serving Jesus.  We are often casual in our thinking about Him.  We would rather hear about being a friend of God than being a slave to the Master.  He also addresses the imagery that we can glean from in the picture of slavery.  We are already slaves to sin and selfish desire.  And then he walks us through the redemption of going from slaves to son...what an incredible picture.

This book really challenged me to examine my approach to a Holy God.  I definitely recommend it as a read to make you think.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jodie's Spot Question

Question: Has Signet helped you be more accountable in taking action in your area of ministry?  How?

Yes, it has.  I am always mindful of what I should or should not be doing.  Have I done what I have been asked or are my goals being reached?  I have it on my daily list to review - now have I got all that I set out to do accomplished done? No.  But I am closer than I may have been 6 months ago and I have more knowledge and determination.  It's a great tool for us who want to be better leaders - yeh!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Natalie's 90 Day Goal (July-Sept)

GOAL: My 90 day goal is to strive to create and maintain a healthy life group. We want to create an environment that is welcoming to new-comers and a place where people feel they can be open and go through the Christian walk together.

July Action Steps:

  1. Meet with Steve Roux (Life Group Servant Leader)**

  • Obtain resources pertaining to creating healthy life groups -- Done

  • Discuss new ideas Steve may have to try in the group -- My plan is to invite Steve to one of our groups so that he can observe and make suggestions
August Action Steps:

  1. Read materials from Steve -- Still in progress

  2. Discuss materials/read some with Josh** - Have not done yet

  3. Pray for our group at least once a week -- Included in my prayers throughout the day
September Action Steps:

  1. Bring ideas to life group -- Will do this next month

  2. At a life group meeting, discuss material I have studied** - will do

  3. Have members of group share their ideas of what life group is to them and other things they would like to see -- will do

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Natalie's Chapter 7: The Likeable Hero

This chapter is totally common sense but it's something that people probably don't really think about when it comes to relationships. Others are drawn to leaders who they like - who they have a good time being around and feel like they are genuinely cared about. It was interesting to learn about the 5 signs of likeability. I think I do pretty well in the areas of "stickiness" and "rapid trust formation". I think I struggle in "approachability" and "flexible optimism."
I am unsure about the best ways of becoming better these areas but I think awareness is probably the most important thing.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Allisons 90 day Goal (July-Sept)

Goal: To be on schedule/organized with Mission Activities this summer and fall.

July Action Steps:
Make a calender for all missions activities July through September including:

    1. Mission trip to St Louis

      1. Time schedule for missions trip money to be in Done

      2. Weekly prayer and information meetings Done

      3. Fundraising Done

    2. Missions festival

    3. Promoting volunteer work for Stevens House

  1. Contact via e-mail/phone mission trip volunteers relaying information.

  2. Have a missions team meeting to discuss** Done

    1. Missions Trip

    2. Missions Festival (including an evaluation of last year)Done

      1. Timeline for missions festival Done

      2. Agree on speakers and ensure airfare if needed Done

      3. Talk to Mike Shurman mission trip to Haiti with church, during the Missions Festival done

  3. Secure airfare for speakers if needed. Not needed Done

August Action Steps:

  1. Debrief missions trip volunteers. Not Done

  2. Help promote volunteer work for cleaning chickens. Not needed now Done

  3. Meet with missions team. Done

  4. Meet with Robin to write and plan small drama for one Sunday morning of Missions Festival. Done

  5. Attend church staff meeting to discuss logistics of Missions Festival (media, decorating, promotion, etc.). Ask for their input about what we have planned.**Done
September Actions Steps:

  1. Speak with missions festival speakers ensure they have everything they need.

  2. Have a missions meeting for any last critiquing and normal missions stuff.

  3. Have at least two drama practices for small drama.

  4. Schedule a date to attend staff meeting after the Missions Festival to get some feedback about how it went.**
All of September done'