Thursday, October 6, 2011

Annette's CL Oct. Book Review

Isn't it amazing how God directs our lives???  I chose this book for Signet in October of last year!!  At that time, we had no idea that we would be in this Acts 2 process.  God is so ingenious!  Everything we're reading is right in line with the vision process.  What is so cool to me is that this book brings another facet to the process.  In vision team, we're talking about the vision, movement of people, the process of discipleship, etc.  But this book talks about what kind of leader can actually facilitate that vision!  How cool!!!

Hybels' love for the church really inspired me.  It's easy to get frustrated about what doesn't work.  But the Church really is the hope of this world!  That is a huge responsibility for us to carry.  And the leaders of the Church hold the opportunity for impact in their hands.  Wow...are we sure we want to sign up for that? :)  There is no other organization, club, or government that can have the influence that the Church can.  I am very humbled by that realization.  We have to do better.

So that leads us to chapter 2 where he talks about vision.  We have definitely come to appreciate the importance of vision through the Acts 2 process.  It sounds like they did their own Acts 2 process to clarify their vision as well!  Our most potent weapon as a leader is VISION.  I was glad to read that he emphasized the importance of not only identifying the vision - but also that you must work hard to communicate.  It's not a once a year event.  It should be threaded through everything we do.  Every opportunity has to be weighed against the vision that God has given us.  We can't afford to use time and resources on activities that aren't a part of that.

Chapter 3 was a butt kicking chapter.  LOL  Talk is cheap - that's how I summarize it.  Haha.  He had to make some difficult decisions and push people pretty hard in order to fully achieve what God was calling them to.  Are we ready to do that?  I admit that it is hard for me to "push" my team when they are volunteers.  I served as a volunteer for years, and I gave a lot to ministry while balancing family and work.  So I empathize with the struggle to not take on too much.  But at the same time, is there anything in life more important than Kingdom work?  So shouldn't it be #1 priority after your personal relationship with God and family?  I've always felt bad about expecting that.  I guess if I am communicating the vision with great passion and conviction in a way that will help to inspire people - they will willingly make the necessary sacrifices!  Because they'll see that God is in it, and that I need their help to do it.  What an awesome book this is so far...I'm excited.

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