Monday, October 24, 2011

Natalie's Courageous Leadership - Chapters 1-3

What an encouraging and timely book! It's cool to see that there are a lot of other churches that have done what we are embarking upon. God definitely brought this book to us at the right time. I really like how he described that "vision is a leader's most powerful weapon." I know that I have heard great speakers and have felt so compelled by their message that I wanted to jump on their bandwagon too. I think it was so cool to see how in his church, Bill Hybel began the process with his vision team of senior leadership in the church. It is so vital that we are all on the same page before we can carry the vision out to the church as a whole. I was very encouraged when he talked about how in todays world people have schedules so crammed with stuff that it's hard to imagine squeezing one more thing in. However, when people are excited and have caught the vision they are willing to do what it takes to carry it out. People are moved into action because they realize the great value in what the vision has set to accomplish. I believe that our family, our Signet group and many in our church family feel the same way. What has more value than bringing people into the kingdom of God?

I liked the "Getting-it-Done Leadership" chapter. It's practical and shows how you can cast vision all you want but if we never get up and do something, the vision won't become a reality. I think the setting of goals is a great idea and I hope we are able to do that in our Acts 2 process. I am excited to continue reading this book and seeing the parallels to our own transformation process.

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