Monday, March 7, 2011

Allison's 60 day Goal and Action Plan

GOAL: Plan Missions trip to St. Louis Dream Center.

Action Steps:

  1. Set Date for Missions trip to Dream Center. SET THE DATE

  2. Price cost of trip for Van and or Bus and set cost for trip. SET THE PRICE

  3. Present/extend trip to the congregation with a sign up sheet. WILL BE DONE THIS SUNDAY

  4. Create a deadline for money to be handed in. SET THE DEADLINE

  5. Post in weekly bulletin. POSTED

  6. Request a DVD of Dream Center to view in church. NOT DONE YET

Additional Goal related to Missions: Line up speaker(s) for the Missions Festival. One Speaker is lined up.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! I added minor titles to the format, but that's exactly what we're looking for. :o)
