Wow, how many people like the 'Michael Scott's" do we know. Being total self-UNaware. I try not to be judgemental of others but sometimes it is almost hilarious - just have to laugh at them. Having our own opinion of others, yet not trying to judge them - giving them the benefit of the doubt. I think when I was younger I was so much easier going, never let people get to me. Now I find myself at times letting the small things get to me. I need to not look at others like that if I can't say honestly they are no different than I am in their thinking. I see what a work in progress I am in and thank God for his grace and mercy on me!
Can I handle it if someone criticizes me? Of course it depends on who it is. How well they know me. Are they saying it to puff themselves up or is it out of love and truly wanting me to grow through this. "Wisdom shouts from the rooftops" as said in a proverb, maybe God is using that person to tell us something we need to change about ourselves or work on. I'm all for the examination! God's ways are not our ways and I could very easily live in the 'polyanna' world where all is good and don't step on any toes. But I don't want to be the person I was yesterday and better toughen up, wipe my nose and let others help me through the bumps of life with mature growth. The Word also says, 'as iron sharpens iron', that's what I need to remember when we relationship with others. It's to improve me.