GOAL: The next event that will be coming up in Honor Bound is the spring car care clinic which is usually held sometime in April. Action steps needed: 1. Set a date for the event - will need to work with Taylor, John, and church staff (Done) 2. Update sign-up forms (Done) 3. Work on promotions for the event (In progress) (Done - bulletin announcements, preservice slides, church directory phone call list). 4. Line up a work crew 5. Collect money within the groups to help offset the expenses (In progress)
The event was held Saturday April 30. We were able to help 8 different people / families which to date, is the best turn out. Angela Rohan helped served refreshments which was also a big blessing. Some follow up paper work needs to be done (make a list to help improve for future events).
Sounds Great! When you complete some of those steps, if there are any details that made things easier or harder, include a little info about that. Seeing how events come together may help others in their own planning!