Saturday, April 30, 2011

Randy's May Review

Chapters 5 & 6
These chapters challenged me. It caused me to think of ways to engage people’s interest. A majority of my communication is in writing. So I've sought to be interesting when I approach typed print but I can get better in everyday conversations. I am challenged to become more interesting when I teach children and when I have conversations with adults.

Being controversal: I'm like a bull in a china shop when it comes to this topic or at least that's the way I feel. I haven't been afraid of being controversal; I sometimes rush into it and leave a path of destruction. This is an area I will seek to improve.

Jesus actually chose to need people from the moment He was born throughout His life on Earth. I like this statement. I think we will be judged on how we treat the people we don't particurally need. The human part of us doesn't want to need people. But when we do show our human side we will better connect with people. Jesus showed the woman at the well his human side and his thirst need. This beginning led to eternal consequences. Jesus took what she was familar with and tied it to the reality of the thirst in her soul.

Can we step into a time machine and peek into someones future and help pull them through? When I was a older teen I had a friend that did that with me. It changed my life. JD saw something in me and treated me as such. Recently I had a team meeting with a young lady that I'm legal guardian over. I used some of the teaching found in this chapter. I asked questions that helped her and the team come up with a solution. She and the team did not want to change anything in her case plan because everything was going good and why rock the boat? I saw a different future for her, a different place she should travel to. After the questions were asked she then didn't want to accept "status quo". I don't think she ever wanted to accept that "safe" place. A new and a little daring future point was then mapped out. We as leaders do need to help people get from point A to point B. Jesus helped Nicodiumus make that transition. One point I wish the book would of brought out more clearly is our reliance upon the Holy Spirit. Yes, we need to improve our conversational stategies but at the same time we need to be listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying. He will give us the right word at the right time.

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing...that is really exciting to hear that you were able to use these tools so effectively. Fantastic!
