Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jodie's Feb 30 Day Goal

GOAL: Be a better prepared teacher for Heir Force.

Action Steps:
  1. Start to study the lesson Mon, Tues, then review on Wed. again.
  2. Plan to bring treats for the kids.
  3. After each time I teach in February, honestly evaluate myself when I get home and jot notes about what went well and what needed work.
Other notes for some personal disciplines I'm working on:
  • Do the Honor Team schedule on Worship Planning the last week of every month and ask Annette for help to learn how to use the site better.
  • Start reading a chapter a week on the "Life of Christ" for personal devotions.  To make time for this, I'm going to wake up at 6:30 am and go to bed by 10:45 pm.

1 comment:

  1. As you can see I edited your goal a little. The first one is what we're looking for in goal setting. The other two are personal disciplines that you're working to develop. So right idea - just tweaked a little. :o)
